7 Ways You Can Refresh Your Brand

As an online entrepreneur, it easy to put the look and feel of your brand on the bottom of your priority list.You have better things to focus on like fulfilling orders, generating new leads and creating more products...Today, I am going to share with you 7 ways you can refresh the look and feel of your brand for the new year.

#1 New Product Photos

New Year, New Look for your Brand - Update Product PhotosBe honest. When was the last time you updated your product photos?If it has been more than 6 months you need to switch things up! Your customers are not sure if you even still have this product because of the photos you are using to showcase it.

#2 New Staff Photos

7 Ways to Refresh The Look of Your Online BrandI'm guilty of this.  I hadn't taken headshots in over 2 years. I'm not saying you have to have a photo shoot every month. If it has been a few years you may look a little different.What does your headshot have to do with making more sales? People like people. Sometimes it doesn't even matter what you are selling. If they like, know and trust YOU they will buy from you.

#3 New Business Cards

7 Ways to Refresh the Look and Feel of Your BusinessYour business is doing well, but when you go to conferences and events you aren't passing your card out anymore.  Did you really run out of business cards or do you hate the way yours look?If it is the latter, you need to fix it! People want to work with you.  Your business card can help you make more memorable in-person connections.  Those connections could lead to great opportunities. You won't know until you get your business cards redone.

#4 New Website Homepage

7 Ways to Refresh Your Brand for the New YearLet's take a look at your homepage. Can you tell what you do or how you can help someone?If it took you more than 5 seconds, the average attention span of adults, then it is time for a new one. Make it easy for potential customers to know exactly what you do and if you can help them, Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller.

#5 New Social Media Headers and Covers

7 Ways to Refresh Your Online BrandWe can agree on how evil the Facebook and Instagram algorithms are.  What if I told you that your potential customer is even more critical?Think of your cover as an additional homepage. Before they see your awesome bio they see your header.  Before they see the blog posts that you tweeted they see your header.  Before they see your beautiful product pins they see your featured boards.Social Media Headers and Covers is a visual opportunity to say "Hi, I'm _______! I help you _____" with a pretty picture that grabs their attention. It can be a picture of your product, you, or a stock photo."Copy of YouTubeBrandinLead.png

#6 New Social Media Posts

fashionstoriespostforigHave you been posting the same ole stuff and getting the same ole results on Social Media?  Have you had anxiety about what to post next? Or how to make it look how you want?It is time for you to invest in a Social Media Pack. What a social media pack does is create a cohesive look and feel for your brand for you. All you have to do is pop in your photos, logos, and text. They will save you a ton of time and give you months worth of content.

#7 New E-Mail Header

7 Ways to Refresh The Look and Feel of your BrandYou look in your inbox and notice that your favorite bloggers and CEOs are changing their email headers.  Guess who's next?Refreshing your email header with a new welcome message will make it more inviting.  This will make the reader actually want to scroll down and read what you wrote! Including your new headshot to the welcome message will be the icing on the cake.  It lets them know that the email is really from you and not a bot.You can really level up your email marketing game by having different headers for different emails for example:

  • New In the Shop
  • Sale
  • Going Going Gone (Best selling almost sold out product or service)
  • From the Desk of...
  • Hey There

Don't those sound more fun than Newsletter?Your Turn: Which one of these will you do to refresh your brand this year?Thanks for stopping by! Happy new year!Best,EricaE-Partners Marketing, EPartnersStudio on EtsyInstagram | Twitter | Pinterest | YouTube | Mommy Blog | Beauty Blog  


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