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10 Do's and Don'ts of Facebook, Instagram, and Threads Etiquette

Facebook, Instagram, and Threads are awesome!  You get to see what other people are up to and how you can help others. Before you start promoting your business or blog on these Social Media platforms there are some etiquette rules you should know.

Some are humorous, but all should be followed.

  • DO have fun!  You can have fun by getting to know others. Connect with people who have similar interests to you. Type a topic in the search bar and start connecting with people near and far. Look at people who interact with people you are already following. Are they interesting too? I met one of my clients by connecting with her on the Girlboss Community thread. She brought me many referrals over the years. What if I never set up an account or connected with her?

  • DON’T tag people you don't know especially not in your status updates, business page posts, or music videos. This is probably the most often broken rule on Facebook and Instagram. Why do you want to tag someone that you don't know?  I mean you could at least DM them first. Seemed like every week someone was tagging me in their music video.  I’m not knocking anyone's hustle, but if we’ve never had a conversation why are you tagging me?

  • DO post pictures, videos, and quotes. That's what your audience wants! Especially some outside-of-the-office ones. People love pictures of families, pets, and travel. This is still SOCIAL media after a while. Don’t be afraid to share silly videos with your family and friends. These quirky and silly moments will make you relatable.

  • DON’T copy other people’s threads verbatim. I’ve been seeing this a lot lately. I’m not sure if influencers got together like when people used to have Instagram Pods and decided “Hey let’s all share the exact same monthly earning breakdown for the Amazon Influencer program and other brand collabs!” In one day I saw at least 10 different thread users with the exact same numbers in their posts about “She’s just a little content creator.” I understand what they are trying to do. But, the same exact numbers is sketchy. It makes me think all their threads might be copied and pasted from someone else.

  • DO post sneak peeks of what you’re working on!  Everyone likes a little suspense.  That's what makes TV so great. We can do the same thing promoting our business. Try sharing a sneak peek in Instagram stories and if you’re feeling bold share it in an Instagram reel and see what happens.

  • DON’T promote your business on someone’s personal Birthday posts. This is the most cringe thing I’ve seen business owners do. I know you want to build awareness for your business and tapping into someone else’s audience is a strategy. Going to someone’s personal Facebook or Instagram update about their birthday and promoting your business is never a good idea. Your comment will be deleted and you may get blocked.

  • DO comment on posts and react to stories. It goes down in the comment section! Every genuine, positive comment your business leaves on someone else’s post is a positive first impression you make on the reader. They may get curious about who you are. They may click through and want to learn more about you and what you do. Years ago, I connected with a fashion blogger on Instagram, from my Beauty Instagram account. I saw her IG story and responded to it. Then we started a conversation. I completed website and graphic design projects for her. She introduced me to a family member and I designed her website too. Then that client introduced me to more clients. What would have happened if I never reacted to her Instagram story?

  • DON’T share your personal drama…on your business page.  You would think this is common sense by now, but you would be surprised how many "business people" air their dirty laundry on Instagram, Facebook, Threads, and anywhere they can type. Before you hit post or publish, pause, and ask yourself “How is this going to affect my business?” Perception is everything. If you want to mini rant consider doing it in stories where it will live for only 24 hours.

  • DO share your positive beliefs.  Pay specific attention to the word positive.  Every day we are bombarded with negative imagery.  To break through you have to share something positive.

  • DON’T TROLL As tempting as it is to go back and forth with people who leave mean and nasty comments on your posts DON’T DO IT. You never have to accept or tolerate online bullying from trolls or competitors. Delete, Block, and Report are there for a reason. USE them. It’s better to delete the comment and block the user instead of wasting your energy trying to get the last word in.

In Conclusion

Promoting your business on Instagram, Facebook, and Threads can be fun. As entrepreneurs, we get to choose how we show up online. We never have to tolerate online bullying from anyone. We can make great first impressions for our brands by interracting with accounts in positive ways and leaving genuine comments.

I’d love to create a Social Media Strategy you and your customers love! Schedule a complimentary consultation here.

If we haven’t had the chance to connect before, Hey! I’m Erica Johnson-Maquilon - Creative Director, Website Designer, Social Media Manager, and Brand Strategist for entrepreneurs, content creators, and overall AMAZING people. If you enjoyed this and want even more EPM in your entrepreneur life, let’s connect:

Check out my services. I design custom Squarespace, Shopify, WordPress, and Wix websites for entrepreneurs in many industries! I also manage business Social Media accounts and share their brand stories with Public Relations. Maybe you’re my next AWESOME client.

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Listen to my podcast. Busy like my clients? Listen to all things content-blogging, video, social media, and e-mail marketing on the go! The Content Cure.co podcast is available on Apple, Spotify, Anchor, and other platforms. If you liked this post you’ll love the episodes.

To connect directly, send me a DM, or email erica@epartnersmarketing.com. Thanks for stopping by!