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10 PPC Red Flags

Are you increasing your budget each month on your pay-per-click campaign, but still not getting any phone calls or leads?  Are you wondering why?Here are 10 red flags that the current company managing your PPC campaign isn't doing such a good job. Also included are what a good signs:

  1. You don't know your account manager's name.

Bad: You don't have a dedicated account manager.  This is common in big organizations, which means that they have more accounts than they can handle and each person that touches your account won't be familiar with the work already done. OR, you do have an account manager, but it's been a long time since you have talked.Good: You know your account manager's name and you all talk often. You can easily reach your account manager with questions and concerns.  If your account manager is on vacation, someone in the office can still assist.2. They don't mention key performance indicators (CTR, CTC, Ad Rank, Quality Score, %  Budget Spend).Bad: Your account manager's only solution is to increase the budget. RUN! They have no real action plan in place and probably have no idea what they are doing.Good: Your account manager communicates with you weekly and/or monthly to review these and steps for improvement.3.They don't ask about any goals you have with your campaign.Bad: They didn't ask what your revenue or sales goals were with the campaign while setting it up. They don't understand your frustration when you discuss ROI.Good: They ask what your goals are and explain the part your PPC campaign has played towards achieving them.4. You can't reach your account manager. Bad: They are avoiding talking to you because they are afraid to accept that they dropped the ball concerning your account.Good: They contact you via email and phone in a timely manner and have familiarized themselves with your account's activity.5.They don't mention being Google Adwords Certified.Bad: They have no idea what the Google Adwords Certification is.They may be using a third party platform to put your campaign together which leaves more room for mistakes.Good: The people within the organization that actually put the campaign together are Google certified even though your account manager isn't.  Having an account manager that is certified is a plus!6.You never discuss SEO...ever.Bad: They are only concerned with the performance of your paid search efforts and don't want to compare them to the performance of organic efforts.Good: You discuss organic and paid marketing efforts to have them work together to reach your marketing goals.7. You don't receive a monthly update/scorecard.Bad: You are contacting them about the performance of your campaign instead of getting a monthly update from your account manager.  The campaign isn't being optimized on a regular basis.Good:You receive an update monthly from your account manager. It can be over the phone, Skype, in person or via email.  As long as it happens. It's even better if you can log into a portal and see a scorecard that let's you look at performance from month to month.8. The budget has been the same for more than a quarter.Bad: The budget has been the same for a long time, even though different segments of your business need to be promoted more at certain time of the year. Ex. You are a clothing store and your pay-per-click campaign for boots is being promoted year-round even during summer. Additional funds were not allocated towards promoting sandals as discussed and those sales have suffered.Good: They review the budget from month to month and put together a projected budget for each month.  It varies in amount, because they take into account the different products and services you offer throughout the year.9. Keyword Optimization isn't discussed.Bad: Your account manager never suggest new keywords or inquire about new products and services your offer.Good: Your account manager suggests new keywords and can provide a list of the best performing ones.  They then suggest shifting funds to allocate more towards the best performing.  They also take into account keywords your competitor's are using.10. Return on investment isn't discussed.Bad: They push off the quarterly and annual campaign reviews. They refuse to discuss ROI and don't even attempt to BS their way through.Good: The ROI of your campaign is discussed at least quarterly.  They can clearly explain the results you received from your campaign.For all of your digital marketing needs contact us epartnersmarketing@gmail.com or 904.274.5855!