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45 ways to Snap for Business

So you've heard all about Snapchat being vital for business.  You created an account, but have no idea what to post. Snapchat for businessHere is a fun list of 45 ways you can use Snapchat to promote your business and brand:

  1. Sneak peak of client project
  2. Sneak peak of company campaign
  3. Behind the scenes of a commercial
  4. Snippet of finished commercial
  5. Create Hype about a new blog post "New blog post about ____ up now!"
  6. Create hype about a new youtube video "Check out our new demo on Youtube!"
  7. Encourage them to subscribe to your youtube channel "To learn more check out our full videos on Youtube"
  8. Encourage them to follow you on IG
  9. Promote a text marketing campaign
  10. Encourage them to get a FREE consultation
  11. Share an encouraging quote
  12. Sneak peak of product launch  "Available ______"
  13. Announce a new service offering "Now offering _____"
  14. Announce an upcoming event "Join us for speed networking at ____ on ____"
  15. Announce a new team member
  16. Demo of product
  17. Employees giving back to the community
  18. Employees taking a break (sleeping is always comical)
  19. Employees working
  20. Employees collaborating
  21. Create hype about a giveaway on social media and how to enter
  22. Share a funny storytime
  23. Tour of real estate property
  24. Encourage them to take a tour of the model home at your community
  25. Say Good Morning and give words of encouragement
  26. Glimpse into your break room.  Employees playing ping pong is always a hit.
  27. Flip thru of Menu
  28.  Sneak peek of catalog or brochure
  29. Announce new collection "Fall Collection coming soon"
  30. Announce new arrivals "Just In!  Get your Cozy Cashmere sweater on the e-comm store""
  31. Offer discount code "Save 20% this weekend only with code SNAP20 at our Etsy shop"
  32. Offer a free download of a digital product on your blog
  33. Share testimonial
  34. Happy customersr
  35. Q&A
  36. Sponsor a Facefilter (L'Oreal did a great job with this)
  37. Sponsor a GeoFilter (Starbucks does in awesome job with this)
  38. Ask them for Webinar, Google Live and Periscope chat ideas (ex. How to create value for services)
  39. Create sense of urgency "Only 5 spots left for the Webinar"
  40. Thank followers
  41. On day of Webinar remind them "Join me at 8pm for the Free webinar about SEO!"
  42. Customer/Follow shoutout
  43. Last Chance! in the final weeks of a launch or inventory running low.
  44. Say Good MORNING
  45. Share music you like

Hope you found this list helpful.How do you use Snapchat for business?