45 ways to Snap for Business
So you've heard all about Snapchat being vital for business. You created an account, but have no idea what to post.
Here is a fun list of 45 ways you can use Snapchat to promote your business and brand:
- Sneak peak of client project
- Sneak peak of company campaign
- Behind the scenes of a commercial
- Snippet of finished commercial
- Create Hype about a new blog post "New blog post about ____ up now!"
- Create hype about a new youtube video "Check out our new demo on Youtube!"
- Encourage them to subscribe to your youtube channel "To learn more check out our full videos on Youtube"
- Encourage them to follow you on IG
- Promote a text marketing campaign
- Encourage them to get a FREE consultation
- Share an encouraging quote
- Sneak peak of product launch "Available ______"
- Announce a new service offering "Now offering _____"
- Announce an upcoming event "Join us for speed networking at ____ on ____"
- Announce a new team member
- Demo of product
- Employees giving back to the community
- Employees taking a break (sleeping is always comical)
- Employees working
- Employees collaborating
- Create hype about a giveaway on social media and how to enter
- Share a funny storytime
- Tour of real estate property
- Encourage them to take a tour of the model home at your community
- Say Good Morning and give words of encouragement
- Glimpse into your break room. Employees playing ping pong is always a hit.
- Flip thru of Menu
- Sneak peek of catalog or brochure
- Announce new collection "Fall Collection coming soon"
- Announce new arrivals "Just In! Get your Cozy Cashmere sweater on the e-comm store""
- Offer discount code "Save 20% this weekend only with code SNAP20 at our Etsy shop"
- Offer a free download of a digital product on your blog
- Share testimonial
- Happy customersr
- Q&A
- Sponsor a Facefilter (L'Oreal did a great job with this)
- Sponsor a GeoFilter (Starbucks does in awesome job with this)
- Ask them for Webinar, Google Live and Periscope chat ideas (ex. How to create value for services)
- Create sense of urgency "Only 5 spots left for the Webinar"
- Thank followers
- On day of Webinar remind them "Join me at 8pm for the Free webinar about SEO!"
- Customer/Follow shoutout
- Last Chance! in the final weeks of a launch or inventory running low.
- Say Good MORNING
- Share music you like
Hope you found this list helpful.How do you use Snapchat for business?