10 Ways to Promote Your Business on Periscope

You've downloaded the Perisope app and are eager to get started promoting your business.  You are ready to "Go Live" for the very first time. 10 Ways to Promote Your Business on Periscope

What are you going to talk about? How will you build awareness about your business without being pitchy?  How can you get strangers interested in what you do?

Here are 10 ways to promote your business without giving out free consulting or getting overwhelmed:

  1. Tell your story.  During Holly Craig's Branding Clarity Recap she mentioned that people connect with people, not companies.  She stressed the importance of telling others why you decided to do what you do to connect with them.  She also mentioned that you need to be able to explain what you do to people that have never heard of your service before. Being able to explain what you do is key for someone to determine if you offer what they need.
  2. Advertise in a social way.  Apryl Beverly @baabwriting mentioned that you have to sell in a social way to not turn people off.  You have to ease them into the sale by being social and engaging.  Many people make the mistake of saying "I'm offering this!  Buy it now!"  see how that turned you off.  You have to start with a story to connects with them.  One could start like "I was getting so frustrated with spending money on print ads in local newspapers to promote my consulting business and getting little results.  Once I started using Facebook Ads I noticed a difference."  Notice how the word frustrated made you feel?  You have to use a universal emotion to make your audience feel what you are talking about.
  3. Promote a special offer.  Arvin the PeriHacker talked about the importance of putting a link to your landing page or website in your profile.  This is so that when you explain to people what it is is that you do and any offer that you have going on the can go directly to your site/page and take advantage.  People are lazy so the easier you make it for them to find the information, make a decision and purchase the better.
  4. Promote a later broadcast.  Periscope notifications don't always work.  Dawniel Winningham @wealthspeaker does a great job of this by reminding her followers that she will be talking about X topic at X time.  Her personality hypes us up for the actual broadcast.
  5. Promote an incentive.  I'm sure you are tired of hearing that the E-Mail list is key to the success of your business.  What if I told you that Periscope can help you grow it in a painless way?  How?  You put FREE WORKBOOK in your title and see how many hundreds of people tune in to hear what you are saying.  During the broadcast give a few benefits of what audience members will learn, but don't give any information away.  Think of it like doing a teaser blog post, but you will be saying it instead of writing it.  Try to keep this broadcast under 10 minutes and advise them to email you if they have any questions :)
  6. Present a more efficient way of doing something. Pick a pain point that your target audience has and a skill/product you have that can meet that need.  An example: Let's say you are a graphic designer, but obviously don't want to give away free design so you offer a Time Management Workshop with a FREE Printable.  The printable gives a glance of your design skills and humanizes your brand.
  7. Show the audience what you do. If you sell jewelry show the audience your jewelry.  If you sell houses show us the house.  If you are a branding coach show customers some of your branding work.  If you are a designer show some of your favorite pieces from your portfolio.  Engage with your audience.
  8. Share Testimonials.  Toot your own horn.  Literally.   If you can share how your business helped someone else be successful than half the sales pitch is done already.
  9. Announce a Contest.  Offer a FREE Consultation or DISCOUNT off for invite followers and participating in parts of your series.  This gives them incentive to interact and creates interest around your products and services.
  10. Out and About.  Show your audience you walking somewhere.  It could be a short trip like walking around the corner to get lunch between meetings.  Sharing 360s get a lot of views and interest.

I've only been on Periscope 2 weeks and am still learning about it.  Be on the look out for a post about what the new updates mean to you.Hope you found this article helpful. Have a great weekend!<3 Erica   


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Promote Your Business with Periscope