E-Partners Marketing

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Quote of The Day

Inspirational quote - Social Media - Web Design Epartnersmarketing.comHi There,This quote was chosen, because I think it is so true.  I have spent weeks preparing to take on new projects and help clients succeed.  It is happening.I already loved creating social media posts and websites, but now I am comfortable sharing that with others. New opportunities are coming my way.This is exciting!Since my last post I have created a Proposal template, Contract, Questionnaire and Welcome Packet template for every service I offer.  I am still developing the e-mail marketing and lead captures, but it's coming together.Everyone that you see that is successful deserves every bit of it.  It takes months of preparation and long hours to launch anything.  I have a respect for them.  Even if they have a team every member works hard to prepare.There were so many things I took for granted working for others.  A few of these were the POS systems that automatically sent customers follow-up emails.  As a business owner you are the POS and customer service.If you follow me on Periscope, you know I finished re-designing my site about a week ago. You can watch a replay of the sneak peek here. This morning I put in the request for my domain transfer and am hoping the new look and feel will be LIVE next week.Look out for posts about getting over the fear of self-promotion and following up with leads.Thanks for dropping bye.<3 EricaConnect with me!Periscope: @ericaravonInstagram: instagram/epartnersmarketingFacebook: facebook.com/epartnersmarketingTwitter: @ericaravon