E-Partners Marketing

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BoardBooster Vs. Tailwind

Hi There,I literally just posted this thread on Reddit and thought I would share it with you.A little over a week ago I learned the difference between scheduling content and automating it. I keep running across blog post after blog post praising Boardbooster and Tailwind for Pinterest.I have tried Tailwind and think it is more like Hootsuite, but just for Pinterest. You have to schedule every pin. Which is kind of weird, because the actual user just sees something they like and pin away. They don't plan their pins days weeks or months ahead.I'm on the fence with BoardBooster. You have to pay per 500 post per month. It seems to help people reach the 1K+ Re-pins without 1k people actually re-pinning it. When I realized this the Twilight Zone music starting playing. That means those "gurus" may not be gurus at all. All of their pins and fan base may be auto-generated (fake) too.When I realized this it made me think WOW! I don't have to kill myself re-pinning hundreds of pins everyday shared by users that may not like or re-pin my stuff back.Has anyone used either one of these? Has anyone seen an actual ROI from either one of these?  For example, an increase in  Blog views, prospects and clients?Earlier this week I shared an Instagram Stories work around that I'm still putting the finishing touches on for the blog post.  Be on the lookout for that and my thoughts on increasing Instagram engagement.Til next time, I wish you the best of luck in your business.<3 EricaTo get help with Social Media contact me at epartnersmarketing@gmail.com or send me a message at my new site.Periscope, Snapchat, Twitter and Instagram: @ericaravonBusiness Instagram and Facebook: @epartnersmarketing and facebook.com/epartnersmarketing