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Monday Motivation Quotes

This Monday I woke up with 2 quotes on my mind.  And another quote I learned watching Grant Cardone on Youtube.

Rise and Shine Darling

Today is Monday. This is the jump start to what could be a great week.  I used to hate Mondays when I used to sit in traffic driving to a job that I didn't like at all.  Now that I do what I love, I wake up on Mondays hopeful and excited.  I didn't roll out of bed this morning.  I rose!Before diving into my client work I checked out my VIPKID teacher portal. That's right, I passed my 2nd mock and am now a teacher!  I haven't taught a class yet, because the background check has to be cleared (could take 48 hours to a week).  I'm staying positive that I will teach some classes soon.  Also getting more acquainted with the platform, lessons and forums.Monday Motivation Quotes - Positive - Marketing - Design - EPartners Studio on Etsy

"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant" Robert Louis Stevenson.

I've shared this quote before, but I love it so much that I had to share it again.When I don't make a to-do list barely anything gets done, but when I do make a list I have to remember to put tasks in perspective.  If something doesn't get done is it really the end of the world?Another thing that happens when I don't plan the day is my creativity runs rampant.  All sorts of new products and service packages come to mind for my clients.  I also spend a considerable amount of time critiquing my current products and how to make the presentation better.

"Dominate.  Don't compete" Grant Cardone.

As a relatively young designer it is so easy for me to compare my path to another's.  It is so easy for me to compare my work to another's.  It is so easy for me to imagine that I am in competition with other designers. In his YouTube video "Stop Selling Start Closing" he said that competing is not healthy.  To go to that next level in your business you have to own the sector. To own the sector you have to get in front of people, get to know them then present your offer.  Every offer is what someone wanted more than the money.Hope you found this helpful.  Hope you have a great Monday!Best,Etsy Shop - epartnersstudioErica