First Design Project of the Year: Barber Shop Poster

Just wrapped up my first design project of the year!The past week and a half I have been revamping my design process and branding packages. Late last night,  I was pleasantly surprised when a client contacted me to move forward with designing a custom graphic.The client wanted a poster to display in her barbershop.  She wanted a price list and hours of operation all in one.  She also wanted it to be very eye-catching.  She sent over her ideas and I got right to work.updatedbarbershopmockupBarbershop Poster Design - Flyer - Price List - Hair Salon - E-Partners MarketingBarber Shop Poster - Price List - Hours of Operation - Flyer Some designers might snuff their noses up at a poster design, but my philosophy is that no project is too big or small.  Just because someone orders one thing, doesn't mean they won't order a bigger ticket item later.  Projects like this are my entry level products so that the client gets a feel for my aesthetic and process.She was a pleasure to work with and I look forward to designing more graphics for her in the future!Thanks for stopping by to see what I was up to!Love,Ericaepssignature3Contact me at if your barber shop, salon or business is in need of any new signage or branding!Design Portfolio | Etsy Shop | Business Instagram | Personal Instagram 


How to: Add Social Media Links to PDF in Canva


Etsy Project: Custom Youtube Branding