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Why I don't use Hootsuite Anymore

I loved Hootsuite when I was using it for a Social Media client in 2016.  I liked Hootsuite when I was managing my own and a few client's accounts in 2017.  I planned on using it just for Twitter in 2018, but they have taken away some of the key features.So back in 2016 you could post as many messages as you wanted within the dashboard. Also, if you had a paid account you could see it in a really nice calendar view. The view was awesome for letting the client see that yes you were actually posting X amount of times a day as promised.Why I don't use Hootsuite Anymore - Social Media Management - Social Media Planning - Planoly - TweetdeckIn 2017, when I had the paid version, I used it to manage mine and a few of my clients accounts.  I was able to post as many messages as I want and could see the calendar view.  Around July, I realized that I could schedule my clients' Facebook posts inside of the publishing tools.Also around this time I learned about Planoly for Instagram post scheduling. In Hootsuite I could schedule IG posts, but I couldn't preview what it would look like on the actual feed.  Planoly lets me preview the feed and stories posts.I started to use Hootsuite less and less and eventually downgraded my account.  At this time I  neglected to tweet from my business Twitter.This week, trying to start the new year off right, I decided to give Hootsuite another try just for Twitter.  That way I could plan out weeks worth of Tweets...I thought.Upon entering my free Hootsuite account everything looked the same.  My streams were there.  My accounts were still logged in.When I went to compose a tweet I noticed it said "1/30 messages".  I thought it was strange, because they didn't have a limitation before.  Then when I scheduled another tweet it happened again.  Thirty messages a month for Twitter is not enough. I would use all 30 messages in a matter of 6 or 7 days.I learned about Tweetdeck and have decided to give it a try for schedule an unlimited number of tweet.What tools are you using in 2018 to step up your social media posts?Thanks for stopping by!Best,Ericaepssignature3

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