Why Designers Don't Give Refunds

So you hired a designer to create an awesome flyer for your business. Things are going good and then suddenly your designer catches an attitude. You are pissed and want a refund NOW! Your designer doesn't offer a refund, but apologizes and wants to help.Does this sound familiar?Today, I'm going to share with you 3 reasons that designers do not give refunds and how to work through misunderstandings. The designers I am talking about are HONEST and actually have sent the files.  Let's be honest, by the time of your refund request they have sent several.

Reason 1: They have delivered what they said they would

You wouldn't go into a hair salon, get a haircut, pay and then ask for a refund, would you?It is the EXACT same thing with design.If you agreed to pay for a flyer and the designer sent you a flyer then what is the issue?Why Designers Don't Give Refunds

Reason 2: They have performed more than agreed to

Agreements are legally binding for a reason. No one wants to get burned.  The agreement protects you and the designer.Sometimes, there are misinterpretations.You read "revisions," the designer wrote "3 rounds of revisions".You were under the impression that you could get endless revisions and that Taylor Swift was going to perform at your launch party when the file was finally approved.Your designer values their time and charges additional fees for additional changes because once you are going outside of the agreed scope of work they are a) losing money and b) taking time from other projects.

Reason 3: The shop policies or contract SAY SO

Did you read the contract before you signed it?  Did you read the shop policies before you added the item to your cart?Before requesting a refund re-read your designer's agreement or shop policies.You will notice that it clearly states that their service is non-refundable and how to mediate any issues you have with your order.Designers spend a good amount of time creating your project. Especially if you received the final files.  Giving you a refund would be giving you service for FREE.

Solution: I can't get a refund so what can I do

Try to work through the issue.  Ask yourself these questions before you speak to your designer again.

  • Why am I unhappy with the design?
  • What did I have in mind for the design? Look at screenshots and reflect.
  • What about this designed missed the mark?
  • What changes could the designer make so that I can get what I want?

Send an HONEST email including these points so that your designer has a clear view of what you want to be changed and how you want your final project to look.

If your designer is willing to work with you

Them offering to make you happy is better than if they send you whatever they did and then going ghost, isn't it?If the designer is willing to provide additional changes to the project take them.Do not request a completely different design, unless you would like to pay for additional time.  Just get changes to the original concept you agreed to and move on.

My designer never sent the file.

If you were never sent the file that is a completely different conversation.When prospects contact me I respond. When clients pay me I reach out to them. When clients request revisions I perform them within the agreed timeframe. When I finish the project I send the files. If the client has a minor issue with the file I fix it at no additional charge.

Final Thoughts

Your designer's goal is to help you. Your goal is to get a beautiful design.I know this article is counterintuitive to today's culture of "out of sight out of mind". We are so quick to unfollow and delete that we think we can do that in business too.A lot of stress can be alleviated on both sides by being honest throughout the design process.

  • If you don't like something SPEAK UP! Your designer won't know what you don't tell them.
  • Decide what you want BEFORE contacting a designer.  This way you have your mind made up and can focus on that.
  • Don't go to Pinterest and keep sending your designer new directions for the project.  This confuses your designer and causes frustration.
  • Don't demand extras. Your designer has no problem adding premium fonts or illustrations to your design.  BE VOCAL about that before you purchase.  That way the designer can include that cost at the beginning instead of requesting it in the end.

Your turn: Have you had a designer not do what they said? Have you had a client that loved a design then wanted a refund?Thanks for stopping by!Best,Ericabehind the scenes - Etsy Shop, updating etsy listings, adding etsy listings

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