How to Set Up a Facebook Business Page

So you are ready to start building awareness for your brand on Facebook?  Let's do it!The whole process takes about 10 minutes if you gather the few items you need beforehand.A few things you need before we get started:

  • Facebook Account
  • Website
  • Logo
  • Business Number (number you don't mind having people blow up)
  • Facebook Cover
  • Avatar (Can use logo)
  • Slogan or short bio

Pick your Category

This is crucial.  If you are a Real Estate Broker make sure you choose that and not Interior Designer.  Seems obvious, but you'd be shocked how many business pages have the wrong category.

Add Your Contact Info

If you don't want people calling your cell phone then set up a Google Voice number.  It's free and easy to set up.Make sure your e-mail address and domain name (website name) are spelled correctly.  You would hate a potential customer misspelling your website name and buying from your competitor instead.How to Set Up Facebook Business Page

Write a Description of What You Do

Don't stress too much about this.  Write a good sentence or two explaining in the simplest terms what your product or service is.  Don't tell them how.  Just tell them what :)  The best thing about this is that you can update it at any time and you can even use your slogan if you want.

Upload your Facebook Cover and Avatar

Even if you don't have any posts ready, you have to at least have the cover photo and avatar up.For the avatar you can use your logo or a team member's face.  Why a face?  People like people.  Your potential clients connect with a face more than they connect with a logo.For the cover, put a little bit more effort into it. You may want to use design software or get a designer to help you.  You can include contact info or just your company name and slogan.  It's completely up to you.Yay!  You did it!  You just set up your Facebook Business Page.Now you can start inviting your family and friends to like your page!  You can also start letting the Facebook World know all about your business from your business account!Was this helpful?Thanks for stopping by!Best,Ericaepssignature3   


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